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New Artistic Director

Filipe Portugal is appointed the new Artistic Director of the Dance Institution Tanz&Kunst Königsfelden starting from January 2024


Classical vocabulary meets modern movement language: "A dancer dares to try something different. The unknown, the new. But she doesn't say goodbye to what she has learned so far. She wants to continue there. But she is also happy to try something new and to gain undreamt-of experience. It is a bit the story of my life and that of many other dancers.


Delattre Dance Company

How about Jazz?

New creation for the Salzburger Landestheater Ballet Company

Heavy Lightness

Filipe Portugal wants to follow the footsteps from his ballet director Christian Spuck, who also started they choreographer career with "Jungen Choreographers" evenings. Portugal shows a coherente choreography on music by Arvo-Pärt. Heavy Lightness is much more strong than light.

Echo of Elements

My choreography focuses on the four elements fire, water, earth and air. On the one hand, I am interested in their characteristic properties. But much more I would like to find out what reaction the interaction of the different elements triggers in dance and movement. Starting point of our "investigation" are the birthdays of the dancers of the Junior Ballet.